Products on offer

  • Nougat pistachio Sicily

    Nougat pistachio Sicily

    The nougat is a typical Christmas sweet, and you can find it in many different ways: hard, soft, very hard, with chocolate, etc...
    The one that presents is a real delight for greedies.


  • Pistachio sweet cream

    Pistachio sweet cream

    You can use pistachio sweet cream to stuff homemade cakes and to decorate and fill cakes.

    You can savor it alone, even better on biscuits, or spread on bread.
    If you want , you can also enjoyed it as a parfait, and have the opportunity to savor with your hands this cream of heavenly quality, to have a moment of real and infinite sweetness with your loved ones or friends.



  • Unshelled Sicilian pistachio of quality

    Unshelled Sicilian pistachio of quality

    The unshelled Pistachio is different from similar products on the market, above all because of its emerald green color and its size superior the average of pistachios from the rest of the world.


Leveranciers van pistache voor ijssalons in Nederland

Zoekt u een leverancier van pistachenoten?

DOSicily is de online winkel DOSicily is de online winkel gespecialiseerd in de verkoop van voedingsmiddelen uitsluitend gewijd aan Siciliaanse pistache en niet alleen maar!

Koop in onze online winkel onze pure Siciliaanse pistachenotenpuree, perfect voor alle ijssalons en pistacheprofessionals. Geniet van de explosie van smaken en de zachtheid die je een unieke en ongeëvenaarde ervaring zal bezorgen.

Ben je op zoek naar een leverancier voor jouw ijssalon in Nederland?

Je bent op de juiste plek!


Wij verzenden onze producten rechtstreeks naar uw bedrijf met gespecialiseerde koeriers zoals FEDEX en DHL, met snelle en traceerbare leveringen rechtstreeks vanuit Italië.

Bezoek onze online winkel

Whast app +39 3297799265


Onze bedrijfswaarden zijn gebaseerd op enkele fundamentele principes die het bedrijf leiden in zijn strategische keuzes en in het vaststellen van relaties met klanten.

Al onze recepten hebben hun wortels in het traditionele Siciliaanse erfgoed en worden bepaald volgens oude methoden.

Het idee is ontstaan bij een jonge Siciliaanse ondernemer.

Hij creëerde een innovatief en snel werkend instrument dat in staat was om de pistache in al zijn vormen te representeren.

Wat betekent DOSicily?

Deze naam heeft drie betekenissen: van DOS "Herkomst van Siciliaanse producten", "Aanduiding van Sicilië". De letterlijke betekenis in het Engels is echter "Do Sicily"; dezelfde grond die tradities en cultuur behoudt, voelt nu de noodzaak om zijn producten wereldwijd bekend te maken.

In feite is geboren in Bronte, de wereldhoofdstad van de pistache.

Deze site biedt een verscheidenheid aan producten van uitmuntendheid en buitengewone culinaire veelzijdigheid. Je kunt deze producten gebruiken voor hapjes, warme en koude gerechten, vlees en vis.

Dit bedrijf is het perfecte werkinstrument voor zaken als ijssalons, banketbakkers en restaurants met een lijst van half-afgewerkte en pure pistachepasta, ideaal voor de bereiding van uitstekend pistache-ijs, Siciliaans pistache-waterijs (Granita) en groene pistachepestosaus voor verse pasta en heerlijke vullingen.

Diverse producten zoals gepelde en ongepelde pistachenoten, gemalen pistachenoten in korrels en natuurlijk gemalen pistachenoten zijn geschikt voor het realiseren van ongelooflijke recepten en verhogen hun kwaliteitsniveau. Bovendien bieden we onze specialiteit, gastronomisch gebak zoals kerstpistachesnoepjes om cadeau te geven.

Uitmuntendheid in kwaliteit

De passie voor kwaliteit is het leidmotief van al onze activiteiten, van de selectie van de variëteiten van onze producten, hun rijping voor de verwerking, tot de selectie en handmatige selectie van producten.

Kwaliteit is een roeping die we zorgvuldig koesteren en die ons het vertrouwen van consumenten schenkt.

Maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid

We hebben groot respect voor de gemeenschappen waartoe we behoren en die we bedienen, door aandacht te schenken aan de behoeften van de consumenten van onze producten.

We voeren onze bedrijfsactiviteiten uit met het hoogste gevoel van verantwoordelijkheid en zetten ons in voor de volledige naleving van regelgeving, sanitaire en kwaliteitsnormen, met name met betrekking tot het milieu.

Alle producten worden met zorg en aandacht gemaakt. We gebruiken alleen de beste grondstoffen, doorgaans geteeld in onze gebieden, om kwaliteitsproducten aan te bieden, in volledig respect voor traditionele Siciliaanse zoetigheden.

Hier is een deel van de producten die je in onze winkel zult vinden:


Pure Siciliaanse pistachenotenpuree 100%

Der authentische Geschmack von Pistazien: Reine Paste für außergewöhnliche Eiscremes und Süßspeisen!

Aanbieding vanaf: € 11,99



Pistache pasta 100% puur Sicilië ELITE

Pure pistachepasta is een van de basisingrediënten voor het maken van uitstekende pistachedesserts en ijsjes

Aanbieding vanaf: €55


Pistacchio sgusciato

Gepelde Siciliaanse


De ongepelde pistache verschilt van vergelijkbare producten op de markt, vooral vanwege de smaragdgroene kleur en de grootte die groter is dan het gemiddelde van pistachenoten uit de rest van de wereld.

Aanbieding vanaf: € 6,99





100% pure pistachepasta Sicilië Gold


Authentische 100% reine extra Pistazienpüree
100% reine Extra-Sizilianische Pistazienpaste

Aanbieding vanaf: € 75



100% pure Siciliaanse amandelspijs


Ideal für die Herstellung von sizilianischem Granita- und Mandeleis, einem absolut echten und raffinierten Produkt.

Aanbieding vanaf: € 83,10




100% pure Italiaanse hazelnootpuree


Exzellente 100% italienische Haselnusspaste: Ideal für Gelaterien und Konditoreien.

Aanbieding vanaf: € 26,39



Bronte dried fruit and pistachio stores in Dublin

Are you looking for the real Sicilian pistachio for sale in Dublin?

You're in the right place!

We ship your products directly to your home with DHL specialized couriers, with rapid deliveries traceable directly from Italy.

Visit our Shop section

Our corporate values are based on a few fundamental principles that guide the company in its strategic choices and the setting of relationships with its customers and all of our recipes have their roots in traditional Sicilian heritage and are determined according to ancient methods.

The idea sprang from a young Sicilian businessman; he created an innovative and fast work instrument which it was able to represent the pistachio in all its forms.

What does DOSicily mean?

This name has got three meanings: from DOS “Sicilian Products Origin”, “Designation from Sicily”, but the literal meaning in English is “Do Sicily”; the same land that preserves the traditions and culture but now it feels the necessity to be acquainted with their products all over the world.

In fact was born in Bronte, a capital city of pistachio in the world.

This site offers a variety of products with excellence and extraordinary culinary versatility; you can use these products for appetizers, first hot and cold courses, meat and fish.

This company is the perfect work instrument for business like ice-cream shops, cake shop and restaurant with a list of semi-finished and pure pistachio paste, as fine for the preparation of excellent pistachio ice-cream, Sicilian pistachio water-ice (Granita) and green pistachio pesto sauce for fresh pasta and delicious stuffing.

A variety products like shell and unshelled pistachios, grain and naturally grinded pistachios are good for realize incredible recipes, and increasing their quality level. Moreover, our specialty gastronomic confectionery such as Christmas pistachio sweets given as gifts.

Excellence in Quality

The passion for quality and 'the leitmotif of all our activities, from the selection of the variety of our products, their maturation before processing, the selection and manual selection of products.
The quality and 'a vocation that we cultivate with care and that gives us the confidence of consumers.

Social responsability
We cherish a great respect for the communities to which we belong and those we serve, say, in fact, attention to the needs of the consumers of our products.
We conduct our business with the highest sense of responsibility and by working for full implementation of regulations, sanitary and quality, with particular reference to the environment.
All products are made with care and attention, we use only the best raw materials, typically grown in our territories, in order to offer quality products, in full respect of traditional Sicilian sweets.

Here is a part of the products you find in our store:

Crema al pistacchio

Pistachio cream


Pistachio sweet creamYou can use pistachio sweet cream to stuff homemade cakes and to decorate and fill cakes.You can savor it alone, even better on biscuits, or spread on bread.

€ 5,90



Pesto artigianale al pistacchio

Pistachio pesto sauce


The famous pistachio pesto sauce The famous pesto has a fresh taste and an aromatic flavour that enhances the unique and unmistakable scent of our pistachio.

€ 6,50



Pistacchio sgusciato

Unshelled Sicilian pistachio

The unshelled Pistachio is different from similar products on the market, above all because of its emerald green color and its size superior the average of pistachios from the rest of the world.

€ 5,99




Panettone with pistachios

Panettone with pistachios


A handmade panettone made of a soft naturally leavened dough, covered of a delicious white chocolate frosting and decorated whit crunchy pistachios.

€ 26,99



Torrone morbido mandorle e pistacchio

Almond nougat pistachio

The nougat is a typical Christmas sweet, and you can find it in many different ways: hard, soft, very hard, with chocolate, etc...The one that presents is a real delight for greedies.

€ 5,99


Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte

Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte


Confezione da 500g 1kgLa pasta artigianale di pistacchio e ricoperta di zucchero a velo,che lascia la sensazione al vostro palato di aver mangiato qualcosa di veramente eccezionale ed unico...

€ 25,99


Pistéise le díol i nGaillimh

Are you looking for the real Sicilian pistachio for sale in Galway?

You're in the right place!

We ship your products directly to your home with DHL specialized couriers, with rapid deliveries traceable directly from Italy.

Visit our Shop section

Our corporate values are based on a few fundamental principles that guide the company in its strategic choices and the setting of relationships with its customers and all of our recipes have their roots in traditional Sicilian heritage and are determined according to ancient methods.

The idea sprang from a young Sicilian businessman; he created an innovative and fast work instrument which it was able to represent the pistachio in all its forms.

What does DOSicily mean?

This name has got three meanings: from DOS “Sicilian Products Origin”, “Designation from Sicily”, but the literal meaning in English is “Do Sicily”; the same land that preserves the traditions and culture but now it feels the necessity to be acquainted with their products all over the world.

In fact was born in Bronte, a capital city of pistachio in the world.

This site offers a variety of products with excellence and extraordinary culinary versatility; you can use these products for appetizers, first hot and cold courses, meat and fish.

This company is the perfect work instrument for business like ice-cream shops, cake shop and restaurant with a list of semi-finished and pure pistachio paste, as fine for the preparation of excellent pistachio ice-cream, Sicilian pistachio water-ice (Granita) and green pistachio pesto sauce for fresh pasta and delicious stuffing.

A variety products like shell and unshelled pistachios, grain and naturally grinded pistachios are good for realize incredible recipes, and increasing their quality level. Moreover, our specialty gastronomic confectionery such as Christmas pistachio sweets given as gifts.

Excellence in Quality

The passion for quality and 'the leitmotif of all our activities, from the selection of the variety of our products, their maturation before processing, the selection and manual selection of products.
The quality and 'a vocation that we cultivate with care and that gives us the confidence of consumers.

Social responsability
We cherish a great respect for the communities to which we belong and those we serve, say, in fact, attention to the needs of the consumers of our products.
We conduct our business with the highest sense of responsibility and by working for full implementation of regulations, sanitary and quality, with particular reference to the environment.
All products are made with care and attention, we use only the best raw materials, typically grown in our territories, in order to offer quality products, in full respect of traditional Sicilian sweets.

Here is a part of the products you find in our store:

Crema al pistacchio

Pistachio cream


Pistachio sweet creamYou can use pistachio sweet cream to stuff homemade cakes and to decorate and fill cakes.You can savor it alone, even better on biscuits, or spread on bread.

€ 5,90



Pesto artigianale al pistacchio

Pistachio pesto sauce


The famous pistachio pesto sauce The famous pesto has a fresh taste and an aromatic flavour that enhances the unique and unmistakable scent of our pistachio.

€ 6,50



Pistacchio sgusciato

Unshelled Sicilian pistachio

The unshelled Pistachio is different from similar products on the market, above all because of its emerald green color and its size superior the average of pistachios from the rest of the world.

€ 5,99




Panettone with pistachios

Panettone with pistachios


A handmade panettone made of a soft naturally leavened dough, covered of a delicious white chocolate frosting and decorated whit crunchy pistachios.

€ 26,99



Torrone morbido mandorle e pistacchio

Almond nougat pistachio

The nougat is a typical Christmas sweet, and you can find it in many different ways: hard, soft, very hard, with chocolate, etc...The one that presents is a real delight for greedies.

€ 5,99


Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte

Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte


Confezione da 500g 1kgLa pasta artigianale di pistacchio e ricoperta di zucchero a velo,che lascia la sensazione al vostro palato di aver mangiato qualcosa di veramente eccezionale ed unico...

€ 25,99


Pistéise na hIodáile le díol i mBaile Átha Cliath

Are you looking for the real Sicilian pistachio for sale in Dublin?

You're in the right place!

We ship your products directly to your home with DHL specialized couriers, with rapid deliveries traceable directly from Italy.

Visit our Shop section

Our corporate values are based on a few fundamental principles that guide the company in its strategic choices and the setting of relationships with its customers and all of our recipes have their roots in traditional Sicilian heritage and are determined according to ancient methods.

The idea sprang from a young Sicilian businessman; he created an innovative and fast work instrument which it was able to represent the pistachio in all its forms.

What does DOSicily mean?

This name has got three meanings: from DOS “Sicilian Products Origin”, “Designation from Sicily”, but the literal meaning in English is “Do Sicily”; the same land that preserves the traditions and culture but now it feels the necessity to be acquainted with their products all over the world.

In fact was born in Bronte, a capital city of pistachio in the world.

This site offers a variety of products with excellence and extraordinary culinary versatility; you can use these products for appetizers, first hot and cold courses, meat and fish.

This company is the perfect work instrument for business like ice-cream shops, cake shop and restaurant with a list of semi-finished and pure pistachio paste, as fine for the preparation of excellent pistachio ice-cream, Sicilian pistachio water-ice (Granita) and green pistachio pesto sauce for fresh pasta and delicious stuffing.

A variety products like shell and unshelled pistachios, grain and naturally grinded pistachios are good for realize incredible recipes, and increasing their quality level. Moreover, our specialty gastronomic confectionery such as Christmas pistachio sweets given as gifts.

Excellence in Quality

The passion for quality and 'the leitmotif of all our activities, from the selection of the variety of our products, their maturation before processing, the selection and manual selection of products.
The quality and 'a vocation that we cultivate with care and that gives us the confidence of consumers.

Social responsability
We cherish a great respect for the communities to which we belong and those we serve, say, in fact, attention to the needs of the consumers of our products.
We conduct our business with the highest sense of responsibility and by working for full implementation of regulations, sanitary and quality, with particular reference to the environment.
All products are made with care and attention, we use only the best raw materials, typically grown in our territories, in order to offer quality products, in full respect of traditional Sicilian sweets.

Here is a part of the products you find in our store:

Crema al pistacchio

Pistachio cream


Pistachio sweet creamYou can use pistachio sweet cream to stuff homemade cakes and to decorate and fill cakes.You can savor it alone, even better on biscuits, or spread on bread.

€ 5,90



Pesto artigianale al pistacchio

Pistachio pesto sauce


The famous pistachio pesto sauce The famous pesto has a fresh taste and an aromatic flavour that enhances the unique and unmistakable scent of our pistachio.

€ 6,50



Pistacchio sgusciato

Unshelled Sicilian pistachio

The unshelled Pistachio is different from similar products on the market, above all because of its emerald green color and its size superior the average of pistachios from the rest of the world.

€ 5,99




Panettone with pistachios

Panettone with pistachios


A handmade panettone made of a soft naturally leavened dough, covered of a delicious white chocolate frosting and decorated whit crunchy pistachios.

€ 26,99



Torrone morbido mandorle e pistacchio

Almond nougat pistachio

The nougat is a typical Christmas sweet, and you can find it in many different ways: hard, soft, very hard, with chocolate, etc...The one that presents is a real delight for greedies.

€ 5,99


Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte

Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte


Confezione da 500g 1kgLa pasta artigianale di pistacchio e ricoperta di zucchero a velo,che lascia la sensazione al vostro palato di aver mangiato qualcosa di veramente eccezionale ed unico...

€ 25,99


Pistachios from Sicily, online supermarket in San Francisco

Are you looking for the real Sicilian pistachio for sale in San Francisco ?

You're in the right place!

We ship your products directly to your home with DHL specialized couriers, with rapid deliveries traceable directly from Italy.

Visit our Shop section

Our corporate values are based on a few fundamental principles that guide the company in its strategic choices and the setting of relationships with its customers and all of our recipes have their roots in traditional Sicilian heritage and are determined according to ancient methods.

The idea sprang from a young Sicilian businessman; he created an innovative and fast work instrument which it was able to represent the pistachio in all its forms.

What does DOSicily mean?

This name has got three meanings: from DOS “Sicilian Products Origin”, “Designation from Sicily”, but the literal meaning in English is “Do Sicily”; the same land that preserves the traditions and culture but now it feels the necessity to be acquainted with their products all over the world.

In fact was born in Bronte, a capital city of pistachio in the world.

This site offers a variety of products with excellence and extraordinary culinary versatility; you can use these products for appetizers, first hot and cold courses, meat and fish.

This company is the perfect work instrument for business like ice-cream shops, cake shop and restaurant with a list of semi-finished and pure pistachio paste, as fine for the preparation of excellent pistachio ice-cream, Sicilian pistachio water-ice (Granita) and green pistachio pesto sauce for fresh pasta and delicious stuffing.

A variety products like shell and unshelled pistachios, grain and naturally grinded pistachios are good for realize incredible recipes, and increasing their quality level. Moreover, our specialty gastronomic confectionery such as Christmas pistachio sweets given as gifts.

Excellence in Quality

The passion for quality and 'the leitmotif of all our activities, from the selection of the variety of our products, their maturation before processing, the selection and manual selection of products.
The quality and 'a vocation that we cultivate with care and that gives us the confidence of consumers.

Social responsability
We cherish a great respect for the communities to which we belong and those we serve, say, in fact, attention to the needs of the consumers of our products.
We conduct our business with the highest sense of responsibility and by working for full implementation of regulations, sanitary and quality, with particular reference to the environment.
All products are made with care and attention, we use only the best raw materials, typically grown in our territories, in order to offer quality products, in full respect of traditional Sicilian sweets.

Here is a part of the products you find in our store:

Crema al pistacchio

Pistachio cream


Pistachio sweet creamYou can use pistachio sweet cream to stuff homemade cakes and to decorate and fill cakes.You can savor it alone, even better on biscuits, or spread on bread.




Pesto artigianale al pistacchio

Pistachio pesto sauce


The famous pistachio pesto sauce The famous pesto has a fresh taste and an aromatic flavour that enhances the unique and unmistakable scent of our pistachio.




Pistacchio sgusciato

Unshelled Sicilian pistachio

The unshelled Pistachio is different from similar products on the market, above all because of its emerald green color and its size superior the average of pistachios from the rest of the world.

$ 5.81  




Panettone with pistachios

Panettone with pistachios


A handmade panettone made of a soft naturally leavened dough, covered of a delicious white chocolate frosting and decorated whit crunchy pistachios.




Torrone morbido mandorle e pistacchio

Almond nougat pistachio

The nougat is a typical Christmas sweet, and you can find it in many different ways: hard, soft, very hard, with chocolate, etc...The one that presents is a real delight for greedies.



Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte

Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte


Confezione da 500g 1kgLa pasta artigianale di pistacchio e ricoperta di zucchero a velo,che lascia la sensazione al vostro palato di aver mangiato qualcosa di veramente eccezionale ed unico...



Pistachios from Sicily, online supermarket in Indianapolis

Are you looking for the real Sicilian pistachio for sale in Indianapolis ?

You're in the right place!

We ship your products directly to your home with DHL specialized couriers, with rapid deliveries traceable directly from Italy.

Visit our Shop section

Our corporate values are based on a few fundamental principles that guide the company in its strategic choices and the setting of relationships with its customers and all of our recipes have their roots in traditional Sicilian heritage and are determined according to ancient methods.

The idea sprang from a young Sicilian businessman; he created an innovative and fast work instrument which it was able to represent the pistachio in all its forms.

What does DOSicily mean?

This name has got three meanings: from DOS “Sicilian Products Origin”, “Designation from Sicily”, but the literal meaning in English is “Do Sicily”; the same land that preserves the traditions and culture but now it feels the necessity to be acquainted with their products all over the world.

In fact was born in Bronte, a capital city of pistachio in the world.

This site offers a variety of products with excellence and extraordinary culinary versatility; you can use these products for appetizers, first hot and cold courses, meat and fish.

This company is the perfect work instrument for business like ice-cream shops, cake shop and restaurant with a list of semi-finished and pure pistachio paste, as fine for the preparation of excellent pistachio ice-cream, Sicilian pistachio water-ice (Granita) and green pistachio pesto sauce for fresh pasta and delicious stuffing.

A variety products like shell and unshelled pistachios, grain and naturally grinded pistachios are good for realize incredible recipes, and increasing their quality level. Moreover, our specialty gastronomic confectionery such as Christmas pistachio sweets given as gifts.

Excellence in Quality

The passion for quality and 'the leitmotif of all our activities, from the selection of the variety of our products, their maturation before processing, the selection and manual selection of products.
The quality and 'a vocation that we cultivate with care and that gives us the confidence of consumers.

Social responsability
We cherish a great respect for the communities to which we belong and those we serve, say, in fact, attention to the needs of the consumers of our products.
We conduct our business with the highest sense of responsibility and by working for full implementation of regulations, sanitary and quality, with particular reference to the environment.
All products are made with care and attention, we use only the best raw materials, typically grown in our territories, in order to offer quality products, in full respect of traditional Sicilian sweets.

Here is a part of the products you find in our store:

Crema al pistacchio

Pistachio cream


Pistachio sweet creamYou can use pistachio sweet cream to stuff homemade cakes and to decorate and fill cakes.You can savor it alone, even better on biscuits, or spread on bread.




Pesto artigianale al pistacchio

Pistachio pesto sauce


The famous pistachio pesto sauce The famous pesto has a fresh taste and an aromatic flavour that enhances the unique and unmistakable scent of our pistachio.




Pistacchio sgusciato

Unshelled Sicilian pistachio

The unshelled Pistachio is different from similar products on the market, above all because of its emerald green color and its size superior the average of pistachios from the rest of the world.

$ 5.81  




Panettone with pistachios

Panettone with pistachios


A handmade panettone made of a soft naturally leavened dough, covered of a delicious white chocolate frosting and decorated whit crunchy pistachios.




Torrone morbido mandorle e pistacchio

Almond nougat pistachio

The nougat is a typical Christmas sweet, and you can find it in many different ways: hard, soft, very hard, with chocolate, etc...The one that presents is a real delight for greedies.



Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte

Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte


Confezione da 500g 1kgLa pasta artigianale di pistacchio e ricoperta di zucchero a velo,che lascia la sensazione al vostro palato di aver mangiato qualcosa di veramente eccezionale ed unico...



Pistachios from Sicily, online supermarket in Jacksonville

Are you looking for the real Sicilian pistachio for sale in Jacksonville ?

You're in the right place!

We ship your products directly to your home with DHL specialized couriers, with rapid deliveries traceable directly from Italy.

Visit our Shop section

Our corporate values are based on a few fundamental principles that guide the company in its strategic choices and the setting of relationships with its customers and all of our recipes have their roots in traditional Sicilian heritage and are determined according to ancient methods.

The idea sprang from a young Sicilian businessman; he created an innovative and fast work instrument which it was able to represent the pistachio in all its forms.

What does DOSicily mean?

This name has got three meanings: from DOS “Sicilian Products Origin”, “Designation from Sicily”, but the literal meaning in English is “Do Sicily”; the same land that preserves the traditions and culture but now it feels the necessity to be acquainted with their products all over the world.

In fact was born in Bronte, a capital city of pistachio in the world.

This site offers a variety of products with excellence and extraordinary culinary versatility; you can use these products for appetizers, first hot and cold courses, meat and fish.

This company is the perfect work instrument for business like ice-cream shops, cake shop and restaurant with a list of semi-finished and pure pistachio paste, as fine for the preparation of excellent pistachio ice-cream, Sicilian pistachio water-ice (Granita) and green pistachio pesto sauce for fresh pasta and delicious stuffing.

A variety products like shell and unshelled pistachios, grain and naturally grinded pistachios are good for realize incredible recipes, and increasing their quality level. Moreover, our specialty gastronomic confectionery such as Christmas pistachio sweets given as gifts.

Excellence in Quality

The passion for quality and 'the leitmotif of all our activities, from the selection of the variety of our products, their maturation before processing, the selection and manual selection of products.
The quality and 'a vocation that we cultivate with care and that gives us the confidence of consumers.

Social responsability
We cherish a great respect for the communities to which we belong and those we serve, say, in fact, attention to the needs of the consumers of our products.
We conduct our business with the highest sense of responsibility and by working for full implementation of regulations, sanitary and quality, with particular reference to the environment.
All products are made with care and attention, we use only the best raw materials, typically grown in our territories, in order to offer quality products, in full respect of traditional Sicilian sweets.

Here is a part of the products you find in our store:

Crema al pistacchio

Pistachio cream


Pistachio sweet creamYou can use pistachio sweet cream to stuff homemade cakes and to decorate and fill cakes.You can savor it alone, even better on biscuits, or spread on bread.




Pesto artigianale al pistacchio

Pistachio pesto sauce


The famous pistachio pesto sauce The famous pesto has a fresh taste and an aromatic flavour that enhances the unique and unmistakable scent of our pistachio.




Pistacchio sgusciato

Unshelled Sicilian pistachio

The unshelled Pistachio is different from similar products on the market, above all because of its emerald green color and its size superior the average of pistachios from the rest of the world.

$ 5.81  




Panettone with pistachios

Panettone with pistachios


A handmade panettone made of a soft naturally leavened dough, covered of a delicious white chocolate frosting and decorated whit crunchy pistachios.




Torrone morbido mandorle e pistacchio

Almond nougat pistachio

The nougat is a typical Christmas sweet, and you can find it in many different ways: hard, soft, very hard, with chocolate, etc...The one that presents is a real delight for greedies.



Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte

Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte


Confezione da 500g 1kgLa pasta artigianale di pistacchio e ricoperta di zucchero a velo,che lascia la sensazione al vostro palato di aver mangiato qualcosa di veramente eccezionale ed unico...



Pistachios from Sicily, online supermarket in Austin

Are you looking for the real Sicilian pistachio for sale in Austin ?

You're in the right place!

We ship your products directly to your home with DHL specialized couriers, with rapid deliveries traceable directly from Italy.

Visit our Shop section

Our corporate values are based on a few fundamental principles that guide the company in its strategic choices and the setting of relationships with its customers and all of our recipes have their roots in traditional Sicilian heritage and are determined according to ancient methods.

The idea sprang from a young Sicilian businessman; he created an innovative and fast work instrument which it was able to represent the pistachio in all its forms.

What does DOSicily mean?

This name has got three meanings: from DOS “Sicilian Products Origin”, “Designation from Sicily”, but the literal meaning in English is “Do Sicily”; the same land that preserves the traditions and culture but now it feels the necessity to be acquainted with their products all over the world.

In fact was born in Bronte, a capital city of pistachio in the world.

This site offers a variety of products with excellence and extraordinary culinary versatility; you can use these products for appetizers, first hot and cold courses, meat and fish.

This company is the perfect work instrument for business like ice-cream shops, cake shop and restaurant with a list of semi-finished and pure pistachio paste, as fine for the preparation of excellent pistachio ice-cream, Sicilian pistachio water-ice (Granita) and green pistachio pesto sauce for fresh pasta and delicious stuffing.

A variety products like shell and unshelled pistachios, grain and naturally grinded pistachios are good for realize incredible recipes, and increasing their quality level. Moreover, our specialty gastronomic confectionery such as Christmas pistachio sweets given as gifts.

Excellence in Quality

The passion for quality and 'the leitmotif of all our activities, from the selection of the variety of our products, their maturation before processing, the selection and manual selection of products.
The quality and 'a vocation that we cultivate with care and that gives us the confidence of consumers.

Social responsability
We cherish a great respect for the communities to which we belong and those we serve, say, in fact, attention to the needs of the consumers of our products.
We conduct our business with the highest sense of responsibility and by working for full implementation of regulations, sanitary and quality, with particular reference to the environment.
All products are made with care and attention, we use only the best raw materials, typically grown in our territories, in order to offer quality products, in full respect of traditional Sicilian sweets.

Here is a part of the products you find in our store:

Crema al pistacchio

Pistachio cream


Pistachio sweet creamYou can use pistachio sweet cream to stuff homemade cakes and to decorate and fill cakes.You can savor it alone, even better on biscuits, or spread on bread.




Pesto artigianale al pistacchio

Pistachio pesto sauce


The famous pistachio pesto sauce The famous pesto has a fresh taste and an aromatic flavour that enhances the unique and unmistakable scent of our pistachio.




Pistacchio sgusciato

Unshelled Sicilian pistachio

The unshelled Pistachio is different from similar products on the market, above all because of its emerald green color and its size superior the average of pistachios from the rest of the world.

$ 5.81  




Panettone with pistachios

Panettone with pistachios


A handmade panettone made of a soft naturally leavened dough, covered of a delicious white chocolate frosting and decorated whit crunchy pistachios.




Torrone morbido mandorle e pistacchio

Almond nougat pistachio

The nougat is a typical Christmas sweet, and you can find it in many different ways: hard, soft, very hard, with chocolate, etc...The one that presents is a real delight for greedies.



Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte

Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte


Confezione da 500g 1kgLa pasta artigianale di pistacchio e ricoperta di zucchero a velo,che lascia la sensazione al vostro palato di aver mangiato qualcosa di veramente eccezionale ed unico...



Sicilian sales points of the Bronte pistachio in San Jose

Are you looking for the real Sicilian pistachio for sale in San Jose ?

You're in the right place!

We ship your products directly to your home with DHL specialized couriers, with rapid deliveries traceable directly from Italy.

Visit our Shop section

Our corporate values are based on a few fundamental principles that guide the company in its strategic choices and the setting of relationships with its customers and all of our recipes have their roots in traditional Sicilian heritage and are determined according to ancient methods.

The idea sprang from a young Sicilian businessman; he created an innovative and fast work instrument which it was able to represent the pistachio in all its forms.

What does DOSicily mean?

This name has got three meanings: from DOS “Sicilian Products Origin”, “Designation from Sicily”, but the literal meaning in English is “Do Sicily”; the same land that preserves the traditions and culture but now it feels the necessity to be acquainted with their products all over the world.

In fact was born in Bronte, a capital city of pistachio in the world.

This site offers a variety of products with excellence and extraordinary culinary versatility; you can use these products for appetizers, first hot and cold courses, meat and fish.

This company is the perfect work instrument for business like ice-cream shops, cake shop and restaurant with a list of semi-finished and pure pistachio paste, as fine for the preparation of excellent pistachio ice-cream, Sicilian pistachio water-ice (Granita) and green pistachio pesto sauce for fresh pasta and delicious stuffing.

A variety products like shell and unshelled pistachios, grain and naturally grinded pistachios are good for realize incredible recipes, and increasing their quality level. Moreover, our specialty gastronomic confectionery such as Christmas pistachio sweets given as gifts.

Excellence in Quality

The passion for quality and 'the leitmotif of all our activities, from the selection of the variety of our products, their maturation before processing, the selection and manual selection of products.
The quality and 'a vocation that we cultivate with care and that gives us the confidence of consumers.

Social responsability
We cherish a great respect for the communities to which we belong and those we serve, say, in fact, attention to the needs of the consumers of our products.
We conduct our business with the highest sense of responsibility and by working for full implementation of regulations, sanitary and quality, with particular reference to the environment.
All products are made with care and attention, we use only the best raw materials, typically grown in our territories, in order to offer quality products, in full respect of traditional Sicilian sweets.

Here is a part of the products you find in our store:

Crema al pistacchio

Pistachio cream


Pistachio sweet creamYou can use pistachio sweet cream to stuff homemade cakes and to decorate and fill cakes.You can savor it alone, even better on biscuits, or spread on bread.




Pesto artigianale al pistacchio

Pistachio pesto sauce


The famous pistachio pesto sauce The famous pesto has a fresh taste and an aromatic flavour that enhances the unique and unmistakable scent of our pistachio.




Pistacchio sgusciato

Unshelled Sicilian pistachio

The unshelled Pistachio is different from similar products on the market, above all because of its emerald green color and its size superior the average of pistachios from the rest of the world.

$ 5.81  




Panettone with pistachios

Panettone with pistachios


A handmade panettone made of a soft naturally leavened dough, covered of a delicious white chocolate frosting and decorated whit crunchy pistachios.




Torrone morbido mandorle e pistacchio

Almond nougat pistachio

The nougat is a typical Christmas sweet, and you can find it in many different ways: hard, soft, very hard, with chocolate, etc...The one that presents is a real delight for greedies.



Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte

Paste artigianali tipiche di Bronte


Confezione da 500g 1kgLa pasta artigianale di pistacchio e ricoperta di zucchero a velo,che lascia la sensazione al vostro palato di aver mangiato qualcosa di veramente eccezionale ed unico...




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Informazioni negozio 

Contattaci : 3297799265 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Sede Amministrativa: Via Simeto 34 - 95034 Bronte (CT) Italy

P.IVA 05304340879

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