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Sunday, 29 March 2015 00:00

Cardamom, pistachio, almond & honey ice-cream

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Cardamom, pistachio, almond & honey ice-cream



- 4 eggs yolks
- 125 g sugar
- 300 ml low fat milk
- 200 ml liquid cream
- Vanilla
- 1 tea spoon ground cardamom
- Crushed pistachios & almonds
- Honey


Step 1: Mix the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl. In a pot, bring the milk, cream, cardamom and vanilla to boil.

Step 2: Pour the boiling milk mixture over the cold mixture (eggs + sugar) while stirring.

Step 3: Return to heat and continue to stir until the cream starts to thicken.

Step 4: This stage of cooking is known as nappe which is achieved between 82-85C.

Step 5: If the cream is not heated sufficiently, the ice-cream will be thin and watery. Remove the pot from the heat and stop the cooking process by place it in cold water mixed with ice cubes.

Step 6: Pass the mixture though a strainer and transfer to your ice-cream machine.

Step 7: Add the crushed pistachios and almonds before churning. Follow manufacturers instructions. Half way through the churning, add the honey (while ice-cream is still churning).

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